Education and Ict to Build a Smart Society"

Education and Ict to Build a Smart Society"

Focused on the Three Ps

First P
The information and communication technologies, has created the age of the knowledge society, one of them is the Internet that they have achieved in a global way to spread through social networks at a virtual level, which has made the citizen participate freely, and how to be informed, leaving the traditional means of monopolistic communication. Citizens have achieved through mobile new models of communication with their own languages, developing in social and economic policy.

Technopolitics in social networks through mobile phones
Regarding the political issue, citizens monitor the activities of governments and make decisions at the level of networks or groups of networks, this citizen empowerment they do with freedom and they manage to have a voice and vote with citizen participation, so that their protests be heard by governments.

Second P


How to do?

Creation of a knowledge laboratory, where a knowledge group (R + D + I) participates with the aim of forming an intelligent society with the aim of creating an intelligent system where knowledge is processed through a fine work and information arrives through the mobile (applications) to governments and the commitment of competent international organizations, to train governments and citizens, whose goal is "Make good government" for a better democracy, on the way to Internet Government.
Third P

Participate: Axis 3

The Internet Governance Forum, as well as other international organizations, Latin America, the Caribbean and any organization that wishes to collaborate, ensure that governments listen to citizens through: "Citizen Participation" and ICT as a tool for inclusion, be more transparent, democratic to achieve better governance and institutionality and therefore citizens want a quality of life.
                                                                                                                    Silvia Way


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