Modality of support of each Organization
Modality of
support of each Organization
The organizations present, are
committed to collaborate to achieve the objectives of the Dynamic Collation:
"Citizen Participation and Internet Governance" as follows:
Western Center
University Jorge González
Briceño Venezuela
Lisandro Alvarado
In particular, as staff working in the
University with subjects in the Cs of Computing, a dissemination will be made
to students with the interest of introducing them to the concepts of multiple
stakeholders and involve them in the topics of IGF, specifically as part of the
activities of the University: The University extension and / or the community
service. The physical facilities of the University have always been available
to those activities that take the academy beyond the classroom. Especially in this
case, the coalition will have a door to those spaces.
Political Organization Women in Politics and
Power Silvia Way Naupay Perú
Taking into account the principles from 34 to
62 on Internet Governance that was carried out in Geneva on Internet
Governance. The Political Organization: Women in Politics and Power, will have
as mission to support the dynamic coalition: Citizen Participation and Internet
Governance in the following:
- An "Encounter of Knowledge" will
be held through a national and international conference on "Public
Policies related to Internet Governance", based on the fundamental
principles of Internet Governance; As well as, publicizing the Role of the
dynamic Coalition for Citizen Participation and Internet Governance.
- Face-to-face talks will be held to publicize
the objectives and plans of the dynamic Coalition, as well as the principles of
the IGF, whose point of reference will be the "Coffee meeting point"
that will be aimed at Women.
-In coordination and strategic alliances
Government, Entrepreneur and Civil society will work all related to art. 49 of
the principles of the IGF.
-The active participation of the Dynamic
Coalition and the objectives of the IGF in social networks will be
disseminated. As well as alliances with local, national and digital radios, for
its diffusion.
-The creation of community telecentres
throughout the country with the active participation of entrepreneurs, civil
society, government, etc., to publicize the principles and objectives of the
"Coalition of Citizen Participation" and the IGF and other issues
related to Tic, starting with "Digital Literacy".
Youth Student
Eduardo Vergara Lope de la Garza C
Siglo XXI, A.C
Considering that, in all national and
international forums, the topic of Citizen Participation represents the
challenge to be overcome and only actions and programs of an official nature
are presented (in these forums), financing elite groups with political, social
or economic interests , MY COLLABORATION in this Coalition will be, to
contribute each and every one of the elements which allow us to demonstrate
models of civic and social education with the population, culminating in civic
activism of neighboring citizen groups of the same community and with common
interests to their particular social issues.
The phenomenon of an authentic Citizen
Participation that DOES NOT EXIST I describe it in my Web page
Once the physical contact between citizens has
been made, the proposal will be to translate their needs, doubts, communication
between neighbors and demands to governments, through the current Information
Technologies. These results, documented in 2019, will be our contribution to
the Coalition considering that the lack of authentic citizen participation is
common to the Latin American region and other regions of the world.
Active Service in Benefit
Of Education and its Reform
Sabino Ernesto Villón Bruno Perú
The Civil Association Active Service for the
Benefit of Education and its Reform (SABER), which I represent, will work in
strategic alliances with different organizations based in Peru, to disseminate
the objectives of the Dynamic Coalition: Citizen Participation and the IGF in
matters of Internet Governance related to public policies.
Also, as a university professor through the
SABER civil association will be held lectures, conferences, meetings in person
or virtual with university students where the classrooms will be ready to
publicize the objectives of the dynamic Coalition and the IGF.
Actor / Youth- University
Michelle Villon Perú
As an ex student of San Ignacio de Loyola
University, I would work with graduated students and other universities,
disseminating the use of ICT, using forums and Internet governance principles,
to formulate policies related to the use of ICTs and promote them in education.
To make the formulation faster, for example,
if the use of ICT in education is established as a work theme in Internet
governance, with the active and permanent participation of all who are
interested, we could identify which aspects are those that still exist flaws
and focus the development of Public Policies towards overcoming barriers.
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