Plan of Action: Community telecentres, a fundamental tool for human development
Community Telecenter, a fundamental tool for human development
The experiences developed in Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, as well as other countries, have achieved human development (quality of life) thanks to the fundamental tool that is the community telecenter; where citizens interact experiences at all levels, through training, to make a leap to the society of knowledge, communication and community integration.
The achievements in the community telecenter have allowed social, economic and political development in the community. Thermometer that has served to measure the feelings and needs of the population with the help of icts and knowledge.
Finally, we show the links where the Civil Association SABER under the presidency of Silvia Way, has worked with different social actors at national and international level regarding icts and community telecenter. You can read the book: Peru and America in the Digital Age.
TEMA: Telecentro en Perú: Herramienta fundamental para el
desarrollo Integral mediante el uso de las tic pag. 228

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