Planes de Acción:Participation of university students:

                                                   Action plans
E.-Participation of university students:

Years ago, students did not have much information at their fingertips, all the information that could be found was through books, magazines and libraries. However, now with the Icts everything changed, and you can find any subject within the reach of just one click.
It should be noted that, even now many times on the Internet you can find much more information than before, since, previously it was very limited, now there are many pages on different topics and you can also check the veracity of these.
Regarding the knowledge of university students about Internet governance in Peru, it is very limited, and it is not because information is not found, but because many of them do not know what is it or are not looking for on this topic and are not encouraged to do so by their universities or institutes and the media do not talk about it either.
So, to encourage young people on this issue, as a pilot project we will begin to work in different universities in Peru in order to disseminate the purposes and objectives of the Coalition and the IGF on issues of Internet Governance, for that purpose:
- Action models will be designed with the help of professionals from Peruvian universities who know the subject in such a way that their opinions and suggestions can be replicated in other regions of Peru.
- Training workshops will be held for university students on governance and ICT (internet, social networks, etc.), as well as on the IGF and the coalition (both its objectives and goals).
- Exchange of knowledge on governance and ICTs will be carried out with foreign professionals who are experts in the subject, and thus improve what is Internet governance and contribute this knowledge to the coalition.
Ernesto yMichelle Villón


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Libro "Una INtroduccion a la Gobernanza de Internet" Ediciones Ingles y Español

Objetivos y fines de la Coalición